head-butt - meaning and definition. What is head-butt
Online Dictionary

What (who) is head-butt - definition

Scottish kiss; Glasgow kiss; Head Butt; Head butting; Head-butting; Glasgow Kiss; Head-butt; Head butts; Head-butts; Headbutts; Headbutting; Glaswegian kiss; Glasgow handshake; Head butt
  • Headbutting between males of the [[green humphead parrotfish]]

also headbutt (head-butts, head-butting, head-butted)
If someone head-butts you, they hit you with the top of their head.
He was said to have head-butted one policeman and stamped on another's hand.
Head-butt is also a noun.
The cuts on Colin's head could only have been made by head-butts.
A headbutt is a targeted strike with the head, typically (when intentional) involving the use of robust parts of the headbutter's cranium as the area of impact. The most effective headbutts strike the most sensitive areas of an opponent, such as the nose, using the stronger bones in the forehead (frontal bone) or the back of the skull (occipital or parietal bone).



A headbutt is a targeted strike with the head, typically (when intentional) involving the use of robust parts of the headbutter's cranium as the area of impact. The most effective headbutts strike the most sensitive areas of an opponent, such as the nose, using the stronger bones in the forehead (frontal bone) or the back of the skull (occipital or parietal bone).

Pronunciation examples for head-butt
1. I head-butt my sound guy.
Forrest Galante _ Still Alive - A Wild Life of Rediscovery _ Talks at Google
2. and pretended to head butt me, except I didn't expect it and moved so he ended up doing it
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Examples of use of head-butt
1. The fans said doubts remained over how one of the officials learned about the head–butt.
2. Yet few people actually saw the head–butt happen, and those who did could not believe their eyes.
3. He was forcibly carried to his room and lashed out at staff trying to head–butt and bite them.
4. Zinedine Zidane‘s head–butt against Italian defender Marco Materazzi in the World Cup final has inspired a song.
5. After getting up, he promptly tried to head–butt the torch but was pulled away by his seniors.